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Tag: marketing ROI

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Content is Not Only King—it’s the Key to Your Marketing Success

Recently, my agency did an industry survey asking people we knew—specifically those responsible for marketing—to tell us what was of greatest concern for them in the upcoming year. The top three concerns were email marketing, website marketing, and content marketing, followed closely by thought leadership.  They all have one thing in common: content—the key to your marketing success!   What […]


Is It Possible to be a Digital Expert?

When I hear the phrase “digital expert”, I’ll be honest—I’m left scratching my head. In this context, what is “digital”, and how can you be an expert in it? You can be an expert in marketing, finance, technology or operations/logistics, but how can you be an expert in ‘digital’? It would seem that the word […]

validating your SEO strategy

Validating Your SEO Strategy

I don’t want to give you visions of your 5th grade math teacher right now, but when it comes to your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, you have to check your work. Validating your SEO strategy is important, because time passes. Your digital presence evolves, the market evolves, and your content changes to reflect all of […]


Can Predictive Analytics Help Your Marketing Strategy?

The Predictive Analytics Story If you’ve been reading me for a while, you already know how important it is to capture data on your ROI. If you know what’s working, you can put your money in the right place. I discuss this at length in this post on calculating ROI. Predictive analytics is one way […]

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