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How teaching college kids made me a better marketer

I have been working in marketing for over two-and-a-half decades. I’ve worked in a variety of capacities, including as publisher of Brandweek and as the founder of onDemand CMO Inc. Practicing marketing is part of my lifeblood. I love marketing and I am always looking for ways to learn something new about marketing. Here’s how […]


Maximizing your marketing with video

If you’re not using video in your marketing materials, what are you waiting for? The engraved invitation came back in 2006 when Google bought YouTube. Video is the most powerful marketing tool ever and it can really maximize your marketing efforts. When it comes to marketing, video is a force multiplier. “Force multiplier” is a […]


The benefits of real time marketing: doing things wrong quickly

Today’s marketers have a tremendous advantage over yesterday’s marketers who didn’t have the Internet—and it probably isn’t what you think. The benefits of real time marketing is that digital media makes possible to experiment and adjust marketing campaigns quickly. My friend Mike Moran and I co-teach a graduate-level class on social media marketing at Fairleigh […]


Choosing the best social media platforms for your business

There are so many different social media platforms out there that choosing the best ones to use for your business can be tricky. Each platform is a little bit different and requires a different content approach so here is some background on the different social networks and some tips on how to choose the right […]


SEO: What you need to know to be found in search

SEO is dead! Or haven’t you heard? Every time Google tweaks its algorithm, the goes all a twitter about how SEO is dead. The reality is that SEO will never die—it will simply change and evolve, just like every other discipline since the beginning of time. However, certain SEO tactics will die and that is […]


5 Tips for Developing a Successful Channel Marketing Strategy

Channel selling—that is selling products/services through a network of distributors or resellers—is a very effective sales model, especially in the B2B space. Channel marketing is not easy because unlike direct marketing, channel marketing must be addressed to both channel partners and end user customers. As a predominantly B2B agency (with a specialty in technology), most […]


Is showrooming the end of bricks-and-mortar retail?

 First of all, what is “showrooming”? It’s when a shopper visits a store to check out a product but then purchases the product online. This occurs because, while many people still prefer seeing and touching the merchandise they buy, many items are available at lower prices through online vendors. As such, local stores essentially become […]


Top 5 reasons why CMO tenures have doubled

From packaged goods to technology and from B2B to B2C, the question on senior marketers’ minds is: why have CMO tenures doubled?  According to executive search firm, Spencer Stuart, after a low point in 2006 of 23.2 months, CMO tenure jumped to 45 months in 2012.  Here are 5 reasons I see driving that change: 1. […]


Mobile is no longer a device

 When you think of mobile, what do you think of? Devices like iPhones and iPads? The old brand of gasoline?   Both of those answers are outdated. Mobile is no longer a device (and it hasn’t been a gas brand since 1999!). Mobile is now a situation. Mobile is a way people use devices—not the devices themselves. […]


Ways B2B can use social media listening

Do you listen to what your customers are saying about you and their experiences with your products—good, bad, and ugly? It used to be that listening to your customers was an expensive and clunky process (e.g. focus groups, surveys, etc.), but now, with social media, you have an unprecedented look into the hearts and minds […]


The secret to avoiding common marketing automation pitfalls

When you hear “Marketing automation”do those two words fill your head with visions of annoying emails sent to you over and over again by marketers desperately trying to push a product but without the slightest clue about how to target their pitches?  Phil Harrell, vice president of enterprise sales at Hubspot, gave a fascinating presentation […]


The secrets that PR can teach marketers

One of the secrets that PR can teach marketers is that Marketing and PR really are not that different from each other.  Where they do differ, they can complement each other—yet historically speaking, these two disciplines don’t often get along with each other. The relationship within organizations between their marketing and PR departments (where they have […]

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