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The secret of radical innovation starts with roadside bathrooms

What does innovation look like? Is innovation something that only big companies like Apple and Google can do? Absolutely not! Innovation is simply finding a way to provide a “little something extra” to your customers with things they value. Every organization can be innovative. Want to see innovation? The secret of radical innovative starts with […]


How to build an innovative brand

A brand is a story well told. But even the best stories can be told better. No matter how established a brand is, there is always room for improvement, for innovation. At the last meeting of the NJ Chapter of MENG (Marketing Executives Networking Group), Julie Cottineau, BrandTwist CEO and founder, shared some thoughts on […]


Top 7 tips for managing customer complaints in the age of social media

Despite all your best efforts, at some point, you will have an angry customer on your hands, loudly complaining about your poor service/defective product/whatever. Complaining customers have always been a fact of life for businesses; however, social media has added a whole new dimension and level of amplification to customer complaints. With that in mind, […]


6 Tips on Creating an Editorial Calendar for Your Content Marketing

The military has a saying called the “7Ps,” which goes like this: “Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.” Just as planning is essential for a military operation, it is also essential for content marketing. Enter the editorial calendar—the perfect tool for content marketers to prepare and plan out their content. Here are 6 tips […]


Why you should be using infographics to present your data

We’ve all heard the cliché that a picture is worth a thousand words and that chestnut has never been more true than it is today. People’s attention spans are getting shorter and shorter and they are exposed to more and more data each day. To cut through the clutter and reach your busy customers, you […]


Giving your social media presence a boost with advertising

Organic communities on social media are very important for us marketers, but unless your Facebook page is all about lolcats, there are limits on how large you can grow your page. You can give your social media presence a boost with advertising. Social media advertising takes a couple different forms. One, is traditional (if anything […]


The value of responsive web design for marketers

You know how annoying it when you visit a website on your tablet or phone and the website doesn’t have a mobile version? While the site may look great on your big laptop screen, it’s horrible or completely unusable on your phone. There is a solution to this problem though: it’s called responsive web design. […]


6 Tips to Boost Your Creative Powers

A good friend of mine, Eli Amdur, recently spoke at a TEDx conference hosted by Fairleigh Dickinson University (where he and I both teach!) about creativity. His presentation got me thinking, that creativity is such an important asset, yet it can also be quite hard to get. With that in mind, I offer you six […]


The key metrics that drive successful online campaigns

Marketing in the online world can be tricky sometimes—it’s a very fragmented world. Online results can be hard to classify or measure, and unlike TV advertising, guarantees are hard to come by. The key metrics that drive successful online campaigns are not fundamentally different from traditional marketing. What is different is how you can apply […]


Tips on getting internal buy-in for your content marketing

Good content marketing often requires cooperation from all sectors of a business, including management, sales, customer service, and production, among others. Breaking through the organizational silos to get that cooperation from other departments can be difficult, so here are a few tips on getting internal buy-in for your content marketing. First, think about why you […]


Insider tips on tailoring your content for your customers

As marketers, it is hugely important for us to create compelling content for our customers, but sometimes along the way, we forget to personalize our content so it meets all our customers’ needs. It’s an easy trap to fall in, but today, we have some insider tips on tailoring your content for your customers and […]


Using social media to influence the mass affluent

Want to reach the mass affluent and compel them to action with your marketing? Of course you do—who wouldn’t?  LinkedIn recently released a study in partnership with Cogent Research on using social media to influence the mass affluent. Here are the important highlights of the study and how you can start implementing them in your […]

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