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How to develop a content marketing strategy

I am often asked, “Should I do X or Y for my content marketing?” The problem with this question is the people asking it don’t have strategy in place for their content marketing. They recognized that they needed to produce content, so they just jumped in and started creating content. Not surprisingly, their content is […]


Outthinking your competition: 8 areas for innovation

Differentiating yourself from your competition is essential to surviving and thriving in business. I know, easy to say, harder to do. Enter my friend, Kaihan Krippendorff, popular Fast Company blogger and CEO of Outthinker. In a recent presentation to the NJ Chapter of MENG (Marketing Executives Networking Group), he shared his thoughts on outthinking your […]


How much content do you need

When I counsel clients on content marketing, invariably, I am asked some variation of this question: “how much content should I produce?” The answer is, “it varies.” It’s annoying to hear this, but there is no magic answer to this question. You have to balance your resources and capabilities with your customers’ needs and preferences. […]


Top 5 ways to optimize sales enablement efforts

Sales and marketing don’t always play nicely together in the sandbox, but they need to, especially when it comes to sales enablement. This is one area where sales and marketing can really work together. Sales knows what it needs to make the sale and marketing can provide the materials necessary. Achieving top results only comes […]


Why marketers should start investing in digital signage

One of the things that make Times Square, New York City so exciting for tourists and locals alike is the many digital billboards and the dancing images on them. Digital signage needn’t be limited to Time Square’s jumbotrons though. Digital signage is the future of in-store marketing and here’s why marketers should start investing in […]


Networking tips to grow your business

When it comes to growing your business, networking is key. It’s through networking that you make connections and get referrals—especially in the B2B world. Despite networking’s importance though, most people don’t know how to do it and when they do, they’re usually really bad at it. It doesn’t have to be that way though and […]


How to recover from an email-marketing mistake

We all make mistakes; it’s part of being human. Sure, mistakes are embarrassing and they can hurt your reputation, but they don’t have to cause permanent harm. You can recover from most gaffes (unless your gaffe was poor handling of a previous blunder!). Here’s how to recover from an email-marketing mistake with grace. The first step is […]


Facebook is dead (or why B2B marketers should use Facebook)

Facebook is dead! Haven’t you heard? Between that oddly researched Princeton study and loads of reports on a “mass exodus” of teens from Facebook, much has been made of the alleged oncoming demise of Facebook. A lot of people are talking about this, from my 13-year-old son who told me “nobody Facebooks Mom; it’s so old school,” […]


How to use Twitter for B2B lead generation

Social media can be a marketer’s best friend, but do you know how to leverage it for lead generation? Building awareness and having conversations are critical components of social media marketing, but alone, they are not enough. Acquiring leads from and crediting leads to social media is just as important, if not more. After all, […]


Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Marketers

It’s a new year and it’s time to start making resolutions. Forget about the usual “lose weight” or “be a better person,” resolutions that get broken a week into the new year, these resolutions will help you keep your company competitive and bring you more business. Here are the Top 5 New Year’s resolutions all […]


How to avoid a marketing fail

Most people have a very keenly developed sense of schadenfreude. If you don’t believe me, just Google “fail” and laugh your way though the first few hits. It’s human nature to relish the misfortune and mistakes of others. While the internet is well populated with photos and videos of clumsy people falling and inebriated folks […]

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