We know that Twitter is an essential tool for our businesses, but have you considered how it can enhance your personal brand?
Personal branding is essential if you want to be known as an expert within your industry. If you are new to Twitter, here are a few things to keep in mind as you develop your Twitter presence.
The following 5 steps will help you develop your personal brand through Twitter.
The Twitter community will take you seriously if your profile is professional and complete. There are 4 aspects to a complete Twitter profile:
Choosing whom to follow is a key element to developing your personal brand. Follow as many people within the business world and within your specific industry as possible. To get started, check out this Huffington Post article on the Top 100 Business, Leadership, and Technology Twitter Accounts You Must Follow.
Try to just follow people who are related to your professional interests. This will keep your Twitter account focused and establish your reputation within your industry.
According to the Wall Street Journal, 44% of Twitter users have never sent a tweet! You can schedule tweets to post automatically through a free Hootsuite account. Sites such as Swayy are a great resource to find interesting and relevant content to share. Determining the optimum amount to tweet is not an exact science and you will need to find a posting strategy that works for you.
As you develop your personal brand on Twitter, people will start talking to you and about you. I recommend using Hootsuite to check your mentions several times a week. Don’t be afraid to engage in conversations. These conversations can lead to new information, connections, and business opportunities.
I hope these tips motivate you to develop your personal brand through Twitter. I am still working on it myself…I view it as a “work in progress”. How have you used Twitter in the past? Has it been successful? Please share your best practices or ideas, remember, it takes a village! LOL.
OnDemandCMO has authored 7 Steps of Marketing, the only marketing guide book you’ll need to either get your marketing started properly, or stay on track strategically.
It features best practices on branding, messaging, social media, lead generation and much in between.
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