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Predictions for the Future of Content Marketing

A lot of very, very smart people are weighing in on where they think the future of content marketing is going, so I’ve rounded up my three favorite predictions for 2016. After seeing what the experts had to say and adding my own insights, a broad picture began to emerge: blogging and content marketing in […]

Crossing the Digital Divide: 3 Important Steps to Completing the Journey

Crossing the Digital Divide: 3 Important Steps to Completing the Journey

While moderating a round table discussion recently at the Millennial Alliances Financial Services CMO Assembly “The Shift to the New Connected World,” several important themes became apparent. As we transition from the traditional marketing model to the digital/data-driven marketing model, the journey for each company is unique, but the overall objective is similar – creating […]


Making Client Experience Your Competitive Advantage

According to a 2014 Global Consumer Banking Survey conducted by Ernst & Young, customer experience was identified as the key ingredient for winning, growing and retaining customers in an increasingly competitive banking environment.  Those findings come as no surprise, especially in a commoditize world of retail banking but before we discuss what drives a quality […]


Understanding Cultural Differences in the Workplace

Diversity – what comes to mind when you read this word? We tend to think diversity only applies to race and ethnicity, but in reality, it encompasses so much more. As business leaders, it is essential to understand what the word “diversity” actually means and how it affects our organizations. The Chancellor’s Committee on Diversity […]


Overhauling Our Hiring Practices

The way businesses hire is often the biggest component of their success or failure. A great team can realize the highest potential of a product and reach the widest possible market. But no product or business plan (however genius) can survive poor implementation by substandard employees. Many companies recognize this and compete for the best […]


Consumers and Identity: How a Product can become a Symbol

There are many things that define who we are. Some aspects of our identity are inherited: place of birth, ethnicity, country of origin, etc. Others are chosen: professions, belief systems, friends. In this second category, the products we choose are an important (though rarely acknowledged) factor. The truth is that our choices as consumers aren’t […]


How to Cultivate Word of Mouth

Whether deciding on a movie for the evening, a book for an upcoming flight, or a new restaurant to try, what influences you the most? Chances are your friends and family are high on the list. What we hear from the people in our lives inevitably influences our choices. This observation is confirmed by the […]


Overcoming the Back to School Malaise

Summer is over, Labor Day weekend has come and gone, and the 4th quarter looms just ahead. As businesses get in gear for the year’s end, the prospect of resuming a demanding routine often induces profound malaise. Here are three steps you can take to help ease the transition and hit the ground running: Get […]


The Benefits & Impact of Simplicity: A Case Study

As business leaders, we know that business is rarely simple. Organizations have to respond to growth, competition, pricing, the economy, vendor and partner changes—every day seems to require some level of course correction. Whatever it takes, we all need to insure that our businesses thrive. Despite the fact that being in business can be complicated, […]

|The Secret All Good Content Marketers Know

Taking Content Marketing to the Next Level

At ondemandCMO, we are all about helping brands tell their stories. How do we do this? One key aspect is content marketing. Content marketing has gone from a concept, to an unusual marketing technique, to the focus of the marketing world over the past century. Take a look at a few key events that have […]


Using contests to boost sales enablement

When you want above and beyond results from your sales team, you need to offer above and beyond compensation. One way to do that is by having contests. Contests are a great way to engage your sales team and provide the extra push for extra performance. Whether you’re in B2C or B2B, contests can be […]


When (Not) To Say “I’m Sorry”

I want to have a successful career – and I’m sure that you do too. I’ve developed an on-going list of common characteristics that successful people have. This list is not based on scientific studies. It’s simply my observations from working with leaders in the professional world for 25+ years. One unique characteristic of successful […]

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