ondemandcmo, insightful and impactful marketing

Author: mdemaio

effective client communication

How to Communicate Effectively with Clients

Transparency and communication are cornerstones of building respect and trust with your client. Here are a few things that can both communicate effectively with clients and lead to a better and stronger partnerships. Your Client Needs Results, Never Excuses. Sharing expectation management and insight is absolutely appropriate in the event of a screw-up, like a missed deadline […]


3 Old School Ideas to Drive Brand Awareness

Driving brand awareness is a huge challenge for our clients. In fact, 60% of respondents in our private survey name it as a top-level priority going into 2017. What I find while working with clients is that so many people try to reinvent the wheel, while ignoring the old-school stuff that still works. I’m not […]

email marketing

Top Three Email Marketing Tips

A big Thank You to those that participated in our survey! You’ve told us that email marketing is a big pain point for you all, coming in even above content looking forward to 2017. Therefore, I’m going to share my top three tips to increase the ROI you are getting on your email campaigns and […]


Thoughts for Women on Authenticity in Business

I was recently asked to contribute a chapter to a book about finding business success. I felt honored to have my name printed alongside several brilliant businesswomen who had faced many of the same obstacles and challenges that I have as a business owner.  I chose to write my chapter about authenticity in marketing. I […]

Sales Enablement

Are You Doing Enough Sales Enablement and Lead Gen for Your Company?

As a marketing consultant, I specialize in content development, sales enablement and lead generation. I often find that the managers and business owners that we work with are feeling as though they either don’t have the time to develop high level marketing strategies, or they don’t have the staff to execute them–or both. As their […]


Being Reliable is More Important than Being Talented

Let me go on record and say that being reliable is more important than being talented. Even if it sounds counter-intuitive, I’ve learned that it’s true through years of running a marketing consultancy firm. When you’re working with clients and building trust and rapport, you will get much more mileage out of your consistency and […]


How Do You Step Away From a Social Media Platform Gracefully?

  Sometimes, the smartest move that you can make with an abandoned or under-performing social media platform is just to walk away. My clients often find that they aren’t actually able to invest the appropriate amount of time they would need to find success with a social campaign. Other times, the strategy hasn’t been properly […]

Mind the Gap image

Avoiding the Gap in Your Funnel

Avoiding the Platform Gap When designing your marketing funnels, be sure to avoid the platform gap. It is much, much harder to get a prospective customer to jump the gap from one device to another than it is to have them follow a series of steps on one device. Avoid this “platform gap” in your funnel […]

Bill Gates quote on content||Content is not only King - It's the key to Your Success

Full Time Internship or Freelance?

When I have needed to bring more hands on deck to support my business in the past, I’ve often found myself stuck in analysis paralysis. It’s never simply the choice of who to bring on—it’s what type of engagement, and what standards and boundaries are going to define that relationship. Different types of hired help […]


What Should You Delegate?

Delegation is a thing that many new business owners struggle to do, (or cannot afford to do,) but it is an absolutely crucial skill as you grow and scale your business. To determine what tasks are best delegated and what can be handled personally, you need to learn how to calculate your opportunity cost.  Let’s […]

|Unleash the Power of Storytelling in Content Marketing

Harness the Power of Storytelling in Your Marketing

If I asked you to tell me about your best friend, how would you do it? Would you use a PowerPoint presentation with slides of bullet points? Or, would you tell me stories of long talks and adventures and other shared moments?  Obviously, the first option is ridiculous and you would never use it to […]


What Makes Millenials the Best Customers?

Three Factors There are three factors that I love when it comes to marketing to the newest generation of consumers, which is what I think is what makes Millenials the best customers. Since we’ve all hopefully gotten over complaining about them, since that just makes folks look cranky and out of touch, it’s important to […]

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